
Turbocharge your outbound calling. Auto-dial up to ten numbers simultaneously, while automatic answer detection ensures you’re connected only with contacts who answer the phone.

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More connections

Increase connection rate tenfold with parallel dialing and answer detection. Kixie’s multi-line progressive dialer empowers your reps to have more conversations in fewer dials.

Automate texts & voicemails

Leaving voicemails and sending follow-up texts isn’t a waste of time, but doing them manually is. Automatic voicemail drop and SMS templates with dynamic fields eliminate pauses between calls.

Accountability is built in

Ensure accountability and keep records consistent with automatic CRM logging for calls, recordings, and texts. Toggle on “outcome required” to ensure reps disposition every call.

Learn more about Kixie

Discover how Kixie can save you time and help you connect with more leads.

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Triple your sales team's productivity & connection rates.

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Close more deals

Reach goals you never thought possible without putting in extra hours or cutting any corners. Get in the fast lane to success with an arsenal of powerful calling features that cut out the boring parts of selling and free up more time for closing deals. The future of sales calls is already here.

get familiar

How to use the Kixie PowerDialer


Seriously. Not only call volume but process improvement as well. Stop dialing now – download Kixie and get their excellent support for setup. Record best voicemail drop messages relative to your specific topics and get ready for a whole new experience with outbound. You will be more relaxed – more focused – and more productive. Kixie kicks!

Michael L.
Sales Development Manager
(Via G2)

CRM Integration

Calling & texting integrated with any toolset.

Kixie has self-serve, out-of-the-box integrations with 25+ leading CRMs, helpdesks, conversation intelligence, automation platforms, and productivity tools. Webhooks and open API means our US-based team of experts will help you set up seamless integrations with thousands more.

Frequently asked questions

Got a question? We've got answers. If you have some other questions, contact us here.

A power dialer is a type of automated call center software that helps agents make more calls in less time. It does this by automatically dialing down a list of numbers and connecting the agent to the call when someone picks up. A power dialer will only call the next phone number when there is an available agent, so there may be some downtime when all agents are busy or wrapping up previous calls. Overall, a power dialer enables agents to speak with more people in a shorter amount of time, which can lead to more sales or appointments.

While a power dialer calls from a list of numbers one at a time, an auto dialer can call more than one number at a time, making outbound sales calls even more efficient for sales reps. Auto dialers can call 2, 3, 4 or more lines at a time and then will connect the sales agent with the prospect when they answer the phone.

A power dialer calls prospects at a ratio of 1:1 (agents to prospects), so there is no chance of an outbound call going unanswered by a salesperson. Progressive dialers, in contrast, continue dialing down a list of contacts while agents are still on the phone, taking into account an agent’s average talk time and connection rate. Both power and progressive dialers automate the process of outbound calling and tracking.

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